De Stichting
In mei 2020 is de Stichting Adoptiegraven CWGC Venray War Cemetery opgericht.
De stichting tracht haar doel onder meer te verwezenlijken door:
- geïnteresseerden de mogelijkheid te bieden om het graf van een gesneuvelde militair te adopteren;
- het onderhouden van contacten met (oud)adoptanten;
en voorts al hetgeen met een en ander rechtstreeks of zijdelings verband houdt of daartoe bevorderlijk kan zijn alles in de ruimste zin des woords.
The Foundation
The Foundation for the Adoption of War Graves CWGC Venray War Cemetery was established in May 2020.
The Foundation tries to achieve its goal by:
- offering interested parties the opportunity to adopt the grave of a fallen soldier.
- the setting up of a database in which the details of the adopted graves are stored.
- establishing and maintaining contacts with family members of the fallen soldiers.
- maintaining contact with both current and former adopters.
- maintaining contact with other stakeholders such as the Municipality of Venray, the
Commonwealth War Graves Commission and the cemetery council.
and furthermore everything that is directly or indirectly related or conducive thereto, everything in the broadest sense of the word.
The board and volunteers of the Foundation consists of:
Mr. Piet Snellen - initiator & founder*
Mr. Jesse Sijberts - Chairman
Mrs. Evelien Fassotte - Secretary
Mr. Ed Vervoort - Treasurer
Mr. Tom van Mierlo - Board Member
Mr. Lars Hoebers - Board Member
Mevr. Chantal van de vin - volunteer secretary & research
Dhr. Theo Vervoort - voluntair research
Dhr. Stephan Engels - volunteer research
The foundation is proud that Mrs. Mien Snellen-Wijnhoven, the wife of our deceased founder, board member but above all friend, Mr. Piet Snellen, wants to take on the role of patron of the Foundation for the Adoption of War Graves CWGC Venray War Cemetery.
The Foundation is supported in various ways by the following persons, companies and organizations:
Jambo - Venray Foundation
Hobbyshop Nellie Snellen – Sevenum
Foundation Adoption Graves Nederweert War Cemetery - Nederweert
Mrs. Anne Slack (translation)
Mr. Scot Mathieson (translation)